In the event that any member feels that he/she has suffered discrimination in any way, or that Andover Town Youth Football Club (The Club) Policies, Rules or Codes of Conduct have been broken, they should follow the formal procedure below:
They should report the matter to The Club Secretary or another member of the Committee. The report should include:
- Details of what, when and where the occurrence took place
- Any witness statement and names
- Names of any others who have been treated in a similar way
- Details of any former complaints made about the incident, date, when and to whom
- A preference for a solution to the incident
- The Club’s Management Committee will sit for any hearings that are requested.
- The Club’s Management Committee will have the power to:
- Warn as to future conduct
- Suspend from membership
- Remove from membership any person found to have broken The Club’s Policies or Codes of Conduct.
If the complaint is in regard to the Club’s Management Committee, the member has the right to report the discrimination to the Hampshire County FA.