Chair the meetings and AGM
Assist the Secretary to produce the agendas
Head the decision making for the benefit of the whole club including disciplinary meetings.
Support the Secretary
Vice Chairman
Support the Chairman in the above
Management of Club’s finances
Ensure adequate financial controls
Ensure adequate financial records
Production of annual accounts
Attending league meetings
Affiliating the club to the County FA
Affiliating the club to the league(s)
Registering players to the league(s)
Dealing with correspondence
Update and Maintain the club and FA’s Admin systems on the clubs behalf
Representing the club at outside meetings at the direction of the Club committee.
Managing the clubs training venue’s
Develop, and maintain the club’s website, and social media platforms
Support Tournament website
Support ATYFC email service.
General IT support for users of the ATYFC website, tournament site and email services.
Welfare Officer
Leading all child welfare related issue’s at the club
Working with the League(s) and County FA Welfare Officer
Promoting The FA’s RESPECT Programme and helping to develop best practice processes.
To help club personnel understand their duty of care towards children actually means and entails on a day-to-day basis.
Ensuring everyone involved at the club is fit to work with children, and hold in date certification to prove so.
Liaison Officer
Develop links and foster effective relationships with local teams, football providers, schools, and Colleges.
Establish pathways for our players into Adult football
Development Officer
To Support new coaches in their journey to becoming FA Qualified and starting out as a coach at Andover Town Youth FC (ATYFC).
To engage with existing coaches were required to support and develop their coaching ability.
Ensure that coaching at ATYFC meets the requirements of the FA Charter Community Club Standard.
To oversee/ support the development of all players at ATYFC.
Covid Officer
To ensure coaches, staff and volunteers are aware and adhere to COVID-19 guidance and protocols while at training, or matches.
In advance of a return to football activity, to ensure that the facilities the club use, are adequate and enable all National and Local FA guidance to be met. This includes social distancing and good hand hygiene practise.
To Keep up to date with all new National and Local FA guidance on COVID-19 and update and communicate club plans as necessary.
To Carry out and maintain a suitable risk assessment to help support the decision to return to football activity.
To monitor understanding and application of National and Local Fa Guidelines on COVID-19 across the club.
Social Secretary
Organise and promote alongside Assistant Social Secretary all social events for club and members:
End of season presentations, Christmas events, fundraising events, charity match etc…
Organise/promote yearly tournament
Form sub tournament committee for organisation of tournament.
Liaise with committee and club members on all social events.
Manage all the clubs purchasing
Ensure we get the best value for money on what we purchase
Ensure everything purchased is records, required, and approved
Maintain strong relationships with suppliers.
Define the route in how managers approach future sponsors and offer support to managers.
Create an even playing field for teams, managers and sponsors to help gain new sponsors into ATYFC.
Identify sponsors for the tournaments with the possible help of a sub team.
Work with the purchaser to get more value for money for match day kit, and training apparatus etc.
Organisation of coaching/training at club once per week
Organisation of league matches, and reporting results as per league requirements
Attend monthly team managers meetings
Management of team accounts, in terms of match subs